


The school has one hundred teaching staff who are qualified, trained and experienced in their field. They have been efficiently guiding, grooming and mentoring the students of the school.

The Principal is the head of the teaching staff which comprises of qualified, experienced, trained and subject specialists. There are coordinators at each level i.e. Pre-Primary, Primary, Middle, Secondary & Senior Secondary Level, who are responsible for proper coordination, implementation and execution of work. These coordinators provide the necessary link between the teachers and Principal as well as with the parents.

Apart from carrying out the regular teaching-learning transactions, the members of the faculty train, guide and groom learners with latent talents in various co-curricular and extra curricular activities. The school also has instructors, laboratory assistants, student mentors and special educators. The faculty forms the backbone of the school. Each and every member contributes as a family and have been able to produce result-oriented outputs. With personalized care, attention and sincere efforts of the entire unit, our school has been able to make a place for itself on the educational map of Kolkata.